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Uma Brasileira que trabalha em uma empresa de logística nos EUA  nos mandou ontem as vagas abaixo com o visto H2-B  ;

1 - Housekeeper - Auxiliar de Limpeza 
2 - CDL Driver  - Motorista de Caminhão
3 - Landscape  - Jardineiro
4 - Barber    - Barbeiro 
5 - Engineer   - Engenheiro
6 - IT - General or Specialist  - Profissional de TI

Empresa aceita quem fala Espanhol.


Novas 790 vagas em fazendas nos EUA exclusivas da MTV no Brasil com entrevistas HOJE diretamente com o empregador Americano pelo ZAP 




E muito mais.



Descubra se tem chance pois você NÃO tem nada a perder , afinal, apenas cobramos nossa taxa de sucesso somente APÓS você ser contratado (a).


Mas se NÃO tentar , irá conviver com esta dúvida pelo resto da sua vida e com a dor do remorso...e não saber se daria certo seu visto de trabalho nos EUA.




Vídeo em Loop

Lucre de R$ 300 a R$ 3.000,00 por amigo que indicar nossa agência.

Seu primeiro passo conosco é preencher o formulário abaixo.

SE eu te aceitar como cliente será igual  você e sua família  ganharem na loteria no Brasil.




Temos o banco de dados ATUALIZADO de TODAS as 186 mil empresas americanas autorizadas a importar funcionários com os vistos H2 e H1 para mandar a sua ficha ATÉ dar certo.


Não tem plano B.


Você JAMAIS terá um resultado tão rápido , mais seguro e  mais barato se tentar sozinho. Isso é FATO! Temos clientes que foram contratados em MENOS de 2 semanas com o visto H2-A na mão.







Dear HR Manager,

We are an English  Language , Landscaping  and Farming School in Brazil and we help our students to get a job abroad.


They already know ALL the rules and AGREE to accept the  basic salary in USA or Canada  and they are ready and MOTIVATED to travel today to your city.


If our applicant does not pass in your probatory period, I will refund your company with all  visa and travel  expenses.  


Please try us , it´s free for your company.


Best Regards,

Marcelo Toledo

# 1 Brazilian  Recruiter since 1990


We have recruited in the past 32  years  for  the mostly of the 5 stars hotels in the Middle East and American cuise liners .


We are focused now to assist all American companies to supply staff under the H-2B , H-2A and H1B visas.


Skype catererbrazil


WhatsApp 55 11 9 4858 2000   – 7 days a week available for you


 Brazilians are the  happiest  and most motivated employees in the world!


Please, do a Brazilian Workforce Test Drive in your company.






How A Temporary Agency Can Help Seasonal Staff Employment

For many businesses, there are certain times of the year when things get much busier. Of course, for any business, a busy time is good, but only if you have the ability to handle that increased workload. If you don’t, the busy period may have many unintended effects, including overtime, stressed employees, and possibly even errors creeping in that dissatisfy clients and customers as you struggle with a workload you are unable to handle.

In cases where you have a busy season, one great alternative to simply “bracing for the worst” is to use seasonal staffing agencies to help fill out the roster. Seasonal employment can be a flexible and efficient solution that helps your company a variety of different ways.


No Overtime
When you have your employees work long past official hours, you end up paying more. If you want to avoid overworking your permanent employees and paying the overtime that comes with it, SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT can definitely help in this regard.

With more people getting work done during the day, there’s no longer any need to keep your permanent staff on the job any longer than they need to be. A company that always finds itself needing to do work after hours is a company that needs help!


Less Administration
When you bring on new employees, two things can’t be avoided, training those employees and doing the required paperwork. The administration aspect can involve entry into human resources, handling payroll and other necessary activities, but with seasonal staffing agencies, the agency itself can manage the bulk of these duties. You just have to concentrate on introducing the new hires to what they need to do while enjoying more simplified, streamlined administration because the agency handles the rest.


Avoid Lengthy Hiring Time
When you’re looking for the right new permanent employee, you need to take all the usual security precautions, as well as make sure that this new person will be a good fit for the corporate culture you have at your company. With seasonal employment, it’s the staffing agency that does the work, sorting through potential candidates based on security, aptitude and the other requirements you may have. You just give your needs to the agency, and let them do the hard work of finding the right person for the jobs you have available.


More Flexibility
When you need to add more workers, or even reduce the workers available, it’s much easier to do so with a seasonal workforce. This isn’t the same as extensive hiring and then going through a dismissal or lay off process. You simply add or subtract staff as required with the STAFFING AGENCY, and let them handle the rest. It’s a much more efficient way to handle the numbers you need during the season keeping your downtime and paperwork to a minimum


We have been supplying staff of all level for 31 years to USA,Canada,UK, Europe and Middle East markets.

Hospitality,Landscaping,Health ( Caregivers, Nurses, Dentists, Doctors) ,IT,Office,Shops, Spas, Beauty Salons, Parks,Cruises , Factories , Domestic , Housekeepers , Truck Drivers  and Engineers.


try us ! It´s free for your company.

WhatsApp + 55 11 9 4858 2000


We have over 500 Landscapers and Farm  workers jobseekers waiting for your call TODAY .


There are in Brazil over 5 million farms and over 25 million of rural workers and we have this database to forward your job adverts for free.



READY TO TRAVEL to your country  and available for your company from Brazil.


Please let me know your staff needs:


(    ) Agricultural Engineer /

(    ) Agricultural Equipment Operators/

(    ) Agricultural Field Workers /

(    ) Agricultural Truck Driver /

(    ) Apple Harvest Worker /


(    ) Bee Keeper /

(    ) Blueberry and Blackberries /


(    ) CDL Driver/

(    ) Christmas Tree Farmworker /

(    ) Citrus Hand Harvester /

(    ) Construction Laborer/

(    ) Crawfish Farmer /

(    ) Custom Harvester /

(    ) Driver/

(    ) Farm Ranch Animal Worker/

(    ) Grain Haulers /  

(    ) Farmworker - Aquaculture & Rice Harvesting /

(    ) Irrigation Worker / 

(    ) Ranch Hand /

(    ) Range Livestock Worker /


(    ) Sheep Shearer /


(    ) Vineyard Worker /

(    ) Landscaper/



Please , try us!


It´s free for your company.

Whats/Telegram  WhatsApp 55 11 9 4858 2000  =  send your job adverts  to over 200 million Brazilians



Is your landscaping business in need of dependable and skilled temporary workers?


We provide dedicated perfectionists who will treat your landscaping projects with the care and skill your clients expect. From sprinkler installation to laying sod, forestry to fertilization.

 Brazilians landscaping workers will meet your demands on time


Landscaping Services:

  • Equipment Operation Staffing
  • Fertilizer/Pesticide Application Staffing
  • Forestry Staffing
  • Horticulture Staffing
  • Irrigation Staffing
  • Landscape Construction Staffing
  • Groundskeeping Staffing
  • Powerwashing Staffing
  • Sprinkler Installation Staffing
  • Sod Installation Staffing
  • Snow Removal Staffing
  • Mowing and Trimming Staffing
  • Turf Maintenance Staffing
  • ... And much more!


Try us!




We are the # 1 Agricultural Staff Recruiter in Brazil


Your new source of  a Happy , Qualified  and Hard Worker  Manpower.


We are a 32 years old Language School and  HR  business committed to helping farmers and nurseries reach their maximum potential by taking labor out of the equation.

We work with every unique harvest and crop to provide consistent labor you can count on so you can focus on your other needs!


We work with the H-2A  and H-2B temporary programs to bring in quality labor to your farm and landscaping.


We want to partner with you with a friendly, professional, dependable, and trustworthy labor experience.



Brazilians are different and we remain in the same employer until the end of the contract.

See the new face of your new employees..



We focus on providing good  professional Truck Drivers  and helping companies fill their trucks with qualified Drivers throughout  Canada , USA, Portugal  , Croatia and Middle East.

We teach English untill our Drivers get the  CDL .

It´s a FREE service for your company.